Monday, October 3, 2016

Banana Brownie

Distractions, I love them. They help you get through the long days at work or simply distract your mind from unpleasant and unhealthy thought paths. In moments when you're dwelling on situations that you cannot do anything about and your thought patterns are just taking you in circles, a distraction can be the saving grace.

As I said, I love distractions. I have gotten into the habit of looking for distractions in music, shows, exercise and even cooking or cleaning. At the end of the day I realize how long I went with out thinking about what it is I was trying to avoid and how far I have not moved. I have not moved any closer to my goals and dreams. What ever issue I was trying to avoid may have quieted down a bit but the problem is still there and I am no where closer to solving it. Which is why I'm writing this blog 3 days after I told myself I'd have it done. I suppose there are good moment for distractions but in the end a distraction is just that. So here is a brownie to distract you for a moment.

Banana Brownie

1 cup of chocolate
1 cup of butter
4 eggs
1 cup of caster sugar
½ tsp of salt

3 bananas - mashed 
1½ tbls honey
 cup of flour

- Heat oven to 350 F 
Melt chocolate and butter together
Whisk eggs, sugar, salt
Add chocolate, mushed banana and honey to eggs and sugar
Sift flour and stir until mixed
Pour batter into brownie pan (9 x 13 in) 
- Bake for a total of 35-40 minutes (until skewer/cake tester comes out clean)

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