Saturday, December 31, 2016

Candy Cane Brownies

I had one goal. One year, 12 brownies, 12 blogs. Well, here is brownie blog number 12.

We see too may times the overnight success stories and we dream that could be us. The one thing is we forget to look at the years of work and failures it takes to become the overnight success. After all the brownies and thoughts that come with making the brownies, I've realized how much work goes into these stories and the dreams we have. So with 2016 coming to a dramatic close and 2017 looming ahead, the only thing I have to say is, "Long live the dreams!" 

1 cup of chocolate
1 cup of butter
4 eggs
1 cup of caster sugar
½ tsp of salt

1 tbls peppermint 
 cup of flour
2-3 smashed candy canes

- Heat oven to 350 F 
Melt chocolate and butter together
Whisk eggs, sugar, salt
Add chocolate, peppermint to eggs and sugar
Sift flour and stir until mixed
Pour batter into brownie pan (9 x 13 in) 

- Sprinkle candy canes on the top
- Bake for a total of 35-40 minutes (until skewer/cake tester comes out clean)